Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lamb chops

20070806 012
Originally uploaded by elfed.
Lamb chops marinated in rosemary and garlic, served with a port wine/fig reduction flavored with chipotle and espresso


theresa said...

Liz, Theresa here from City School (Tam's older sis). This looks delicious. How did you do the port and fig reduction?

Unknown said...

Hi :)

Quarter the figs ( I think I used about 8), simmer in about a cup of port. Saute a small shallot and some garlic (both minced) in oil/butter, add about 1/2 c chicken stock, any herbs you want to use, reduce by half, then add the port and fig mixture and reduce till it coats a spoon. If you want it pretty, you can hit it with a hand blender, strain and whisk in a T of unsalted butter. You can also add a little balsamic at the end for bite. S&P to taste.